Message from the President


President NAGATA,Kyosuke (President, University of Tsukuba)


   The Japan Association of National Universities (JANU) comprises 86 national universities governed by 82 national university corporations, each with its own unique characteristics (regular members), and four Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (special members), which are operated in close collaboration with the research community, in particular universities. Since its establishment, the member universities have played active roles in providing education and promoting research at the world’s highest level, succeeding to and developing important academic disciplines, ensuring equal opportunities for higher education across the nation, and developing global human resources. The approximately 60,000 faculty members are responsible for the education of approximately 580,000 undergraduate and graduate students while conducting a wide variety of research. The diverse academic knowledge possessed by national universities, as a whole, helps solve global issues. At the same time, it will become a powerful means to realize a highly resilient, sustainable and inclusive society. National universities located in all prefectures play a central role in their respective regions through the creation of innovation and the development of excellent human resources.


   In the meantime, the government has established a 10 trillion yen-university fund system and launched a “Package for Comprehensive Promotion of Research Universities with a Regional Core and Distinctive Characteristics” in order to raise the level of Japan’s research capabilities. In its request submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in October 2022, the JANU requested that these two systems should be established as an integrated system that fully reflects the intention of improving and developing Japan’s overall research capabilities and international competitiveness. We believe that both systems will dramatically enhance Japan’s research capabilities and international competitiveness.


   In recent years, the social situation has become increasingly uncertain and difficult due to such factors as the unstable international situation and soaring prices with no end in sight, and national universities have been in a tough management situation. However, even under such difficult circumstances, national universities should function as a driving force for the future and for the growth of our country, with pride in being the core of Japan, producing human resources who will support the nation.


   Recognizing the need to improve international competitiveness and develop global human resources, as stated in the second proposal of the Council for the Creation of Future Education, toward the fifth Medium-Term Objectives Period beginning in FY2028, we will promote the reform of national universities in order to develop highly skilled global human resources who are diverse in terms of age, gender, nationality, region, etc. even as the population composition changes due to the declining birth rate. We are determined to propose a bold future vision of national universities.


   The JANU will strive to improve the quality of Japanese higher education and produce more promising human resources by providing various educational opportunities, including recurrent and reskilling programs, while holding discussions with all parties concerned. Aiming to ensure that national universities meet the expectations of all stakeholders, we will endeavor to proactively disseminate information and implement autonomous initiatives.


   To this end, we sincerely ask for your continued support.