Follow-up Survey on “Further Promotion of Internationalization of Education at National Universities”

Amid rapid globalization in society and the business world, national universities have a responsibility towards society to produce individuals who can play an active role internationally. This has been also an important mission that universities must fulfill to enable their students to demonstrate their abilities fully in a globalized world in the future.

In March 2013, the Japan Association of National Universities (JANU) formulated the “Further Promotion of Internationalization of Education at National Universities”. JANU set up the targets for internationalization of education at national universities, items on which each national university should work, activities to be undertaken by the JANU, etc., and has been actively promoting the internationalization of national universities by encouraging each national university to enhance its unique strengths and characteristics and promote various activities for internationalization.


【Targets for Internationalization of Education at National Universities 】

Based on the “Further Promotion of Internationalization of Education at National Universities”, all the national universities in Japan will strive to achieve the below-listed numerical targets for internationalization by making effective use of various inter-university cooperation programs.


  1. Increase the percentage of international students accepted at the undergraduate and graduate levels combined to 10% by 2020.
  2. Increase the percentage of Japanese students studying abroad at the undergraduate and graduate levels combined to 5% by 2020.
  3. Double the ratio of foreign faculty members by 2020.
  4. Double the number of courses taught in English both at the undergraduate and graduate levels by 2020.
  5. Double the number of universities that set numerical targets related to internationalization by 2020.

JANU has been implementing the follow-up survey and publicizing the result every year since JFY 2013 in order to grasp the situation directed at the attainment of the above Targets. Please refer to the following survey results for details.

Please also refer to the information on the degree courses / programs and medium term / short term study programs offered by national universities in Japan, which were updated at the occasion of this follow-up survey.



Further Promotion of Internationalization of Education at National Universities (pdf:48KB)
Results of the 11th Follow-up Survey (in 2023)